
Your RTO has created your Assessor's profile. The Assessment Online system will send you an email asking you to Verify Your Registration.

Read the notes in your email and click the Login icon.

Feel free to change the password that’s been automatically generated to your preferred password. After you’ve logged in click on your name at the top right of the screen. A drop menu will open. Go to: ‘Settings’. Follow the prompts to create your easy to remember password.

The Assessment Online system will ask you to select your password. You're in control. Select a password that's easy to remember, make a note and save it in a secure location.

The Assessment Online system will then open your Dashboard. Using your web browser, save your Dashboard to Favorites or Bookmarks. In the future you can now return to your dashboard quickly and easily.

Access your Students

Your RTO has assigned one or more students to you and one or more unit of competency to each Student. Click the unit of competency code under the heading: Assessment units.

Once your Dashboard opens, you'll see the Student's name and a list of the unit(s) of competency assigned to the Student.

You'll also be able to see if the unit(s) are being assessed via the conventional assessment process: questions, task, activities or if the unit(s) are being assessed via Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


Click on the Unit code you would like to assess.

  • At this point select the unit that will be assessed via the conventional assessment process. Refer to the RPL Assess Assessor's User's Guide to learn more about assessing via the RPL pathway.

The table of contents listing the Student's assessment questions, tasks and activities for the unit of competency will be available. You can simply click on the topics you'd like to read.

Start by reading the Unit Description and then click on the next topic on the top right of the page to progress to the Student Study Guide; the Student Instructions and then the Assessor Instructions.

Student Study Guide

Assessment Online has selected quality textbooks to support your Student's learning. Discuss the learning, training and study schedule with your RTO and your Student. Ideally, your Student will already be prepared and ready to complete the assessment.

Assessor Instructions

Setting the context for assessment and the assessment parameters is essential to ensuring a fair, reliable and valid outcome.

Feel free to discuss or clarify the instructions with your RTO and your Student.

Student Instructions

The Student Instructions will mirror the Assessor Instructions and are made available to the Student.


When you open an assessment question you'll see the question as it was presented to the Student; the Student's response and the Assessor's Marking Guide.

The modern Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector requires RTOs and Assessor's to clearly indicate how they arrived at an assessment decision. Assessment Online allows the Assessor to record how their assessment decision/professional judgment was made.

  • Consider and assess the Student's response as it compares to the Marking Guide
    • To achieve a satisfactory result the Student's response must include key words and information that correlate with the Marking Guide
    • Identify the keywords in the Student's response that (when compared with the Marking Guide) indicate the Student's response is Satisfactory.
    • Record the evidence


  • Select the coloured pen Red or Blue, to indicate your assessment judgement
  • Use the Blue Pen to highlight the keywords for a satisfactory response
    • Place your mouse over the Blue Pen and click your left mouse button
    • This will make the Blue Pen active
  • Highlight the first keyword in the Marking Guide that supports your assessment judgment
  • Where your computer using a Windows operating system, hold the Windows button on the keyboard and double click your left mouse button on the desired word.
  • Where your using a Mac iOS operating system, hold the Command button down on your keyboard and double click your left mouse button on the desired word.

Then repeat, highlighting the next keyword in the Marking Guide you've identified that confirms a satisfactory response and that supports your assessment decision.

When you have met the benchmark requirements of the Marking Guide click on: 'Grading'.

Smart Device:

  • Select the coloured pen Red or Blue, to indicate your assessment judgement
  • Use the Blue Pen to highlight the keywords for a satisfactory response
    • Touch the Blue Pen with your finger
    • This will make the Blue Pen active
  • Where your device is using a Windows operating system, hold the CTRL key
    • Then double tap your selected key word with your finger
  • Where your device is using a Mac iOS operating system, hold the CMD key
    • Then double tap your selected key word with your finger

Then repeat, highlighting the next keyword in the Marking Guide you've identified that confirms a satisfactory response and that supports your assessment decision.

When you have met the benchmark requirements of the Marking Guide click on: 'Grading'.

Supporting Files

Students are encouraged to provide more than a written response only. Assessment Online will accept: photos; video; audio and other types of documents. The Student can 'drag and drop' the file they would like to upload onto the system.

Some assessment tasks or activities will ask the Student to download and complete a template or report that's provided. You'll receive this file competed by the Student within the Assessment Online system.

Any and all supporting files should be assessed according to the Marking Guide with relevant and detailed notes made to support your assessment decision.


Click on: 'Satisfactory'

It's reasonable to add some: 'Professional Judgment Comments' but not essential. Perhaps the Student can benefit form some words of encouragement?


VET sector requirements, auditors, Standards for RTOs and industry generally are driving RTOs and Assessors for more detail.

Make a note of the time you spent assessing this Student's work.

Notes will become more critical where the Student's response is initially Not Yet Satisfactory and a second or subsequent attempt is required.

Consider the concept: 'more is better'. The more notes, detail, times and feedback you can include the better.

Not Yet Satisfactory

Where a Student's response doesn't meet the requirements of the Marking Guide, the grading is Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS).

An accurate account of why the response is NYS is recorded by the use of the Blue Pen and/or the Red Pen.

Capturing the reasons for a NYS assessment is essential.

Start by adding: 'Professional Judgment Comments' and then click on: 'Notes'. Include the time you spent:

  • Assessing the Student's response
  • Formulating the action plan you've offered the Student to assist them to achieve a Satisfactory result
  • Any extra time you've spent providing extra tuition, coaching and guidance.

This information is invaluable when the RTO seeks to confirm; 'the Student's Journey'

Once again the concept: 'more is better' applies. The more notes, detail, times and feedback you can include the better.


You can save your work and return to the same assessment task or activity at any time.


When you are happy with your assessment decision use your mouse to tick the box: Check to submit your assessment.

This is your final assessment so be sure you’re happy to move forward.

Your RTO and your Student will receive notification you’ve submitted a final assessment decision.